Report Code: CMI22234

Published Date: May 2023

Pages: 220+

Category: Food & Beverages

Reports Description

As per the current market research conducted by CMI Team, the global Plant-Based Milk Market is expected to record a CAGR of 10.6% from 2024 to 2033. In 2024, the market size is projected to reach a valuation of USD 31,128.5 Million. By 2033, the valuation is anticipated to reach USD 77,082.2 Million.

Total U.S. Plant Based Food Sales and Growth Category in 2022

Food Million %
Milk 2800 8.50%
Meat 1400 -1%
Creamer 645 24%
Meals 531 0.50%
Ice Cream 437 -4.50%
Yogurt 425 5%
Butter 311 15%
Source: According to Plant Based Foods Association

The plant-based milk market encompasses a range of non-dairy milk alternatives derived from plant sources such as almonds, soybeans, oats, coconuts, rice, and peas. These alternatives serve as substitutes for traditional dairy milk and are increasingly popular among consumers seeking lactose-free, vegan, or environmentally sustainable options.

Plant-based milk products offer various nutritional benefits, including vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, and are often fortified to enhance their nutritional profiles. The market is characterized by innovation, with companies continually developing new formulations, flavors, and packaging formats to cater to evolving consumer preferences and dietary trends towards plant-based diets.

Plant-Based Milk Market – Significant Growth Factors

The Plant-Based Milk Market presents significant growth opportunities due to several factors:

  • Health and Wellness Trends: Growing consumer awareness of health benefits associated with plant-based diets drives demand for plant-based milk alternatives perceived as healthier options compared to dairy milk, contributing to market growth.
  • Environmental Sustainability Concerns: Increasing environmental consciousness prompts consumers to choose plant-based milk products over dairy milk due to their lower carbon footprint and reduced environmental impact, fostering market expansion.
  • Rising Vegan and Vegetarian Population: The expanding vegan and vegetarian demographics worldwide fuel demand for plant-based milk alternatives, driven by ethical considerations, dietary preferences, and lifestyle choices, stimulating market growth.
  • Product Innovation and Diversification: Continuous innovation in formulations, flavors, and packaging formats by manufacturers enhances the appeal of plant-based milk products, attracting consumers with diverse tastes and preferences, driving market demand.
  • Global Market Expansion: The growing popularity of plant-based diets and increasing awareness of lactose intolerance worldwide present opportunities for market expansion into new geographic regions and emerging markets, tapping into previously untapped consumer segments.
  • Partnerships and Collaborations: Collaborating with retailers, foodservice providers, and industry stakeholders can facilitate market penetration, enhance brand visibility, and diversify distribution channels, creating opportunities for increased market share and revenue growth in the plant-based milk market.

Plant-Based Milk Market – Mergers and Acquisitions

The Plant-Based Milk Market has seen several mergers and acquisitions in recent years, with companies seeking to expand their market presence and leverage synergies to improve their product offerings and profitability. Some notable examples of mergers and acquisitions in the Plant-Based Milk Market include:

  • In 2023, Reitan, a leading retailer in the Nordic and Baltic region, and Oatly Inc. expanded their relationship, benefiting Reitan’s 300 Pressbyrn and 90 7-Eleven convenience stores in Sweden. This partnership aims to enhance business growth and appeal to a broader consumer demographic.
  • In 2022, Alpro, a Danone-owned company, announced investment in its Kettering-based U.K. factory to boost production capacity of plant-based products for UK consumers. The initiative aims to enhance sustainability credentials alongside meeting growing demand for plant-based alternatives.
  • In 2021, To commemorate 80th anniversary, Vitasoy International Holdings Limited introduced 12 limited-edition drink packets featuring wholesome, protein-rich soy milk. Varieties include Classic VITASOY, malt VITASOY, reduced sugar VITASOY, and low sugar malt VITASOY, offering diverse options to consumers.

These mergers and acquisitions have helped companies expand their product offerings, improve their market presence, and capitalize on growth opportunities in the Plant-Based Milk Market. The trend is expected to continue as companies seek to gain a competitive edge in the market.


Plant-Based Milk Market India Dairy Market Milk Protein Isolate Market
CAGR 10.6% (Approx) CAGR 8.01% (Approx) CAGR 5.7% (Approx)
USD 77,082.2 Million by 2033 USD 290.8 Billion by 2033 USD 21.7 Billion by 2033

Plant-Based Milk Market – Significant Threats

The Plant-Based Milk Market faces several significant threats that could impact its growth and profitability in the future. Some of these threats include:

  • Competition from Dairy Milk: Intense competition from traditional dairy milk poses a threat to plant-based milk market share. Dairy milk products often have established consumer loyalty, and price competitiveness may challenge the adoption of plant-based alternatives.
  • Supply Chain Disruptions: Disruptions in the supply chain, such as fluctuations in raw material availability, transportation challenges, or natural disasters affecting crop yields, can disrupt production and lead to shortages of plant-based milk products, impacting market stability and growth.
  • Regulatory Challenges: Changing regulatory landscapes and labeling regulations may pose challenges to plant-based milk manufacturers, particularly regarding product labeling and marketing claims. Compliance with evolving regulations requires ongoing adjustments and investments, potentially increasing operational costs and affecting profitability.
  • Allergen Concerns: Despite being dairy-free, plant-based milk alternatives can still trigger allergic reactions in individuals with allergies to specific plant ingredients like nuts or soy. Allergen-related incidents may lead to negative publicity, legal liabilities, and consumer trust issues, impacting market demand and brand reputation.
  • Negative Perception or Misinformation: Misinformation or misconceptions surrounding the nutritional value, taste, or sustainability of plant-based milk products may deter consumer adoption. Negative perceptions propagated through media, influencers, or word-of-mouth can influence consumer attitudes and preferences, hindering market growth and penetration.

Category-Wise Insights

By Type:

  • Almond Milk: Almond milk, made from ground almonds and water, is a popular plant-based milk alternative known for its mild, nutty flavor and creamy texture. Trends include fortified varieties with added vitamins and minerals, flavored options like vanilla or chocolate, and organic and unsweetened options to cater to diverse consumer preferences.
  • Coconut Milk: Coconut milk, derived from the flesh of coconuts and water, offers a rich, creamy texture and tropical flavor profile. Trends include the rise of coconut-based beverages, such as coconut creamer and coconut yogurt, and the introduction of flavored and barista-friendly coconut milk options for coffee enthusiasts.
  • Cashew Milk: Cashew milk, made from blended cashews and water, features a creamy consistency and mild, slightly sweet flavor. Trends include the incorporation of cashew milk into dairy-free cheese and yogurt alternatives, as well as the development of artisanal and small-batch cashew milk brands catering to discerning consumers.
  • Walnut Milk: Walnut milk, crafted from soaked and blended walnuts and water, offers a distinct nutty flavor and smooth texture. Trends include the emergence of walnut milk as a gourmet plant-based milk option, with artisanal producers offering premium varieties and flavored options like cinnamon or maple walnut.
  • Hazelnut Milk: Hazelnut milk, produced by blending hazelnuts and water, delivers a rich, nutty taste and velvety texture. Trends include the use of hazelnut milk in specialty coffee beverages, dessert recipes, and plant-based protein shakes, as well as the introduction of hazelnut milk-based creamers and ice creams.
  • Soy Milk: Soy milk, made from soybeans and water, is one of the earliest plant-based milk alternatives, offering a creamy texture and mild, neutral taste. Trends include the expansion of soy milk offerings to include organic, non-GMO, and fortified varieties, as well as flavored options like chocolate or matcha soy milk.
  • Oat Milk: Oat milk, crafted from oats and water, has surged in popularity due to its creamy texture and neutral taste profile. Trends include the widespread adoption of oat milk by coffee shops and cafes for use in lattes and cappuccinos, as well as the development of oat milk-based ice creams and yogurts.
  • Rice Milk: Rice milk, produced by blending rice grains and water, offers a mild, slightly sweet flavor and thin consistency. Trends include the use of rice milk in dairy-free baking and cooking applications, as well as the development of fortified rice milk varieties with added calcium, vitamin D, and B vitamins.
  • Flax Milk: Flax milk, made from ground flaxseeds and water, is renowned for its omega-3 fatty acid content and nutty flavor profile. Trends include the positioning of flax milk as a heart-healthy alternative to dairy milk, with emphasis on its nutritional benefits and versatility in smoothies, cereal, and baked goods.
  • Others: Other plant-based milk alternatives include hemp milk, quinoa milk, pea milk, and blends of various nuts, seeds, and grains. Trends in this category include the exploration of novel ingredients and formulations to create unique plant-based milk options that cater to specialized dietary preferences and nutritional needs.

By Storage

  • Refrigerated Milk: Refrigerated plant-based milk requires cold storage to maintain freshness and prevent spoilage. Trends in this segment include the introduction of innovative plant-based milk varieties such as almond, oat, and pea milk, offering diverse flavors and nutritional profiles to cater to evolving consumer preferences for healthy and sustainable dairy alternatives.
  • Shelf Stable Milk: Shelf-stable plant-based milk is packaged in aseptic containers and does not require refrigeration until opened. Trends in this segment include the expansion of product lines to include long-lasting plant-based milk alternatives like coconut, soy, and rice milk, providing convenient options for on-the-go consumers and reducing food waste.

By Category

  • Organic: Organic plant-based milk is made from organically grown ingredients, free from synthetic pesticides, fertilizers, and genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Trends include increasing consumer demand for organic certifications, sustainable farming practices, and ethical sourcing, driven by health consciousness and environmental concerns.
  • Conventional: Conventional plant-based milk refers to products made from conventionally grown ingredients, often including synthetic pesticides and fertilizers. Trends include affordability, convenience, and availability in mainstream retail channels, appealing to cost-conscious consumers seeking dairy alternatives without prioritizing organic or sustainable attributes.

By Formulation

  • Sweetened: Sweetened plant-based milk formulations are enriched with added sugars or sweeteners to enhance flavor and mimic the taste of traditional dairy milk. However, there’s a growing trend towards reduced sugar options in response to consumer demand for healthier alternatives, driving innovation in low-sugar or naturally sweetened plant-based milk products.
  • Unsweetened: Unsweetened plant-based milk formulations contain no added sugars or sweeteners, appealing to health-conscious consumers seeking low-calorie and natural beverage options. The unsweetened segment is witnessing significant growth as consumers prioritize clean-label products with minimal additives and prefer the flexibility to customize sweetness levels to their preference.

By Flavor

  • Original/Unflavored: Original or unflavored plant-based milk offers a pure, neutral taste resembling traditional dairy milk. Trends include a focus on natural ingredients, minimal processing, and clean labels to meet consumer demand for simple, wholesome products.
  • Vanilla: Vanilla-flavored plant-based milk features a subtle sweetness and aromatic vanilla essence. Trends include the incorporation of natural vanilla extracts and flavorings, catering to consumers seeking indulgent yet healthier alternatives to dairy milk.
  • Chocolate: Chocolate-flavored plant-based milk offers a rich, indulgent taste reminiscent of chocolate milk. Trends include the use of premium cocoa powders, natural sweeteners, and innovative formulations to replicate the creamy texture and decadent flavor of traditional chocolate milk.
  • Honey: Honey-flavored plant-based milk infuses the natural sweetness and floral notes of honey into dairy-free milk alternatives. Trends include the use of organic or ethically sourced honey substitutes, such as agave nectar or maple syrup, to appeal to health-conscious consumers.
  • Coconut Blend: Coconut-blend plant-based milk combines the creamy texture and tropical flavor of coconut with other plant ingredients like almonds, oats, or rice. Trends include the incorporation of coconut cream for added richness and creaminess, catering to consumers seeking exotic and indulgent flavor experiences.
  • Hazelnut Blend: Hazelnut-blend plant-based milk features the rich, nutty flavor of hazelnuts combined with other plant ingredients for a creamy, dairy-free alternative. Trends include the use of roasted hazelnuts, natural sweeteners, and innovative formulations to enhance flavor profiles and nutritional benefits.
  • Caramel: Caramel-flavored plant-based milk offers a sweet, buttery caramel taste reminiscent of caramel desserts. Trends include the incorporation of natural caramel flavors, caramel extracts, or caramelized sugars to create indulgent and decadent dairy-free milk alternatives.
  • Maple: Maple-flavored plant-based milk infuses the distinctive sweetness and subtle maple flavor of maple syrup into dairy-free milk alternatives. Trends include the use of pure maple syrup or natural maple flavorings, catering to consumers seeking indulgent yet wholesome dairy alternatives.
  • Coffee: Coffee-flavored plant-based milk combines the bold, robust flavor of coffee with creamy dairy-free milk alternatives. Trends include the incorporation of premium coffee extracts, cold brew concentrates, or natural coffee flavors to replicate the taste and aroma of freshly brewed coffee.
  • Others: Other flavored plant-based milk options include innovative blends such as matcha, turmeric, chai, or fruit-infused varieties, catering to diverse consumer preferences for unique and exotic flavor experiences. Trends include the use of functional ingredients, superfoods, and botanical extracts to enhance nutritional profiles and health benefits.

By Packaging Size

  • Less than 100 ml: Packaging sizes less than 100 ml cater to single-serving or on-the-go consumption. Trends include the rise of convenient and portable packaging formats, such as mini cartons or pouches, targeting busy consumers seeking quick and convenient plant-based milk options for snacks or beverages.
  • 110 ml to 250 ml: Packaging sizes ranging from 110 ml to 250 ml offer versatility for individual servings or smaller household needs. Trends include the popularity of single-serve bottles or tetra packs, appealing to consumers seeking portion-controlled options for use in beverages, cereal, or cooking applications.
  • 500 ml to 1000 ml: Packaging sizes between 500 ml and 1000 ml are ideal for households or individuals seeking larger quantities of plant-based milk for regular consumption. Trends include the preference for family-sized cartons or bottles, promoting value for money and reducing packaging waste through bulk purchases.
  • More than 1000 ml: Packaging sizes exceeding 1000 ml cater to bulk or wholesale purchases, suitable for families, foodservice establishments, or commercial use. Trends include the demand for large-format containers, such as gallon jugs or multi-liter cartons, offering convenience and cost-effectiveness for frequent consumers or businesses requiring larger volumes.

By Packaging Type

  • Tetra Packs: Tetra Packs are commonly used for packaging plant-based milk, offering convenience, portability, and extended shelf life. Trends include the use of sustainable packaging materials, such as renewable plant-based plastics, and innovative designs for eco-friendly Tetra Packs that minimize environmental impact.
  • Bottles: Bottles are another popular packaging option for plant-based milk, providing durability and recyclability. Trends include the adoption of glass bottles for premium products, recyclable plastic bottles with reduced environmental footprint, and ergonomic designs for enhanced consumer convenience and brand differentiation.
  • Cans: Cans are emerging as an alternative packaging option for plant-based milk, offering advantages such as portability, durability, and protection from light and air exposure. Trends include the use of recyclable aluminum cans, which are lightweight and eco-friendly, as well as innovative resealable can designs for convenient consumption on-the-go and reduced waste.

Report Scope

Feature of the Report Details
Market Size in 2024 USD 31,128.5 Million
Projected Market Size in 2033 USD 77,082.2 Million
Market Size in 2023 USD 27,211.5 Million
CAGR Growth Rate 10.6% CAGR
Base Year 2023
Forecast Period 2024-2033
Key Segment By Type, Storage, Category, Formulation, Flavor, Packaging Size, Packaging Type, Distribution Channel and Region
Report Coverage Revenue Estimation and Forecast, Company Profile, Competitive Landscape, Growth Factors and Recent Trends
Regional Scope North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East & Africa, and South & Central America
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Plant-Based Milk Market – Regional Analysis

The Plant-Based Milk Market is segmented into various regions, including North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and LAMEA. Here is a brief overview of each region:

  • North America: In North America, a notable trend in the Plant-Based Milk Market is the rapid expansion of product offerings to include a wide range of plant-based milk alternatives, such as almond milk, oat milk, and soy milk. Additionally, there is a growing demand for organic and non-GMO plant-based milk products, driven by health-conscious consumers seeking clean-label options.
  • Europe: Europe showcases a trend towards sustainability and environmental responsibility in the Plant-Based Milk Market. Consumers in Europe are increasingly prioritizing eco-friendly packaging options and supporting brands that demonstrate commitment to sustainable sourcing practices. This trend has led to the rise of plant-based milk products packaged in recyclable materials and innovative packaging formats designed to reduce environmental impact.
  • Asia-Pacific: In the Asia-Pacific region, one notable trend in the Plant-Based Milk Market is the growing popularity of traditional plant-based milk alternatives, such as coconut milk and rice milk. These traditional options hold cultural significance in many Asian countries and are gaining traction as healthy and nutritious alternatives to dairy milk. Additionally, there is a rising demand for innovative plant-based milk products tailored to Asian flavor preferences and dietary habits.
  • LAMEA (Latin America, Middle East, and Africa): In LAMEA, a prominent trend in the Plant-Based Milk Market is the increasing availability of locally sourced and indigenous plant-based milk alternatives. Consumers in Latin America, the Middle East, and Africa are embracing traditional plant-based milk options such as almond milk, cashew milk, and camel milk, which hold cultural significance and are perceived as natural and wholesome choices. This trend highlights the importance of catering to regional tastes and preferences in diverse markets.

Competitive Landscape – Plant-Based Milk Market

The Plant-Based Milk Market is highly competitive, with a large number of manufacturers and retailers operating globally. Some of the key players in the market include:

  • Silk (Danone North America)
  • Alpro (Danone)
  • Califia Farms
  • Oatly
  • Ripple Foods
  • So Delicious Dairy Free (Danone North America)
  • Elmhurst 1925
  • Good Karma Foods
  • Forager Project
  • Malk Organics
  • Planet Oat (HP Hood)
  • Mooala
  • Joyya (Agropur)
  • Dream (Hain Celestial)
  • Plenish Dairy Ltd.
  • Others

These companies operate in the market through various strategies such as product innovation, mergers and acquisitions, and partnerships.

New players entering the Plant-Based Milk Market are adopting innovation and development to establish their presence. Companies like Califia Farms and Oatly have introduced innovative formulations and sustainable packaging solutions, attracting consumers with unique flavors and eco-conscious branding.

Dominating the market are key players such as Silk (Danone North America) and Alpro (Danone), renowned for their extensive product portfolios, widespread distribution networks, and strong brand recognition. These market leaders maintain dominance through strategic partnerships, aggressive marketing campaigns, and investments in research and development to stay ahead of evolving consumer trends.

The Plant-Based Milk Market is segmented as follows:

By Type

  • Almond Milk
  • Coconut Milk
  • Cashew Milk
  • Walnut Milk
  • Hazelnut Milk
  • Soy Milk
  • Oat Milk
  • Rice Milk
  • Flax Milk
  • Others

By Storage

  • Refrigerated Milk
  • Shelf Stable Milk

By Category

  • Organic
  • Conventional

By Formulation

  • Sweetened
  • Unsweetened

By Flavor

  • Original/Unflavored
  • Vanilla
  • Chocolate
  • Honey
  • Coconut Blend
  • Hazelnut Blend
  • Caramel
  • Maple
  • Coffee
  • Others

By Packaging Size

  • Less than 100 ml
  • 110 ml to 250 ml
  • 500 ml to 1000 ml
  • More than 1000 ml

By Packaging Type

  • Tetra Packs
  • Bottles
  • Can

By Distribution Channel

  • Online
  • Offline

Regional Coverage:

North America

  • U.S.
  • Canada
  • Mexico
  • Rest of North America


  • Germany
  • France
  • U.K.
  • Russia
  • Italy
  • Spain
  • Netherlands
  • Rest of Europe

Asia Pacific

  • China
  • Japan
  • India
  • New Zealand
  • Australia
  • South Korea
  • Taiwan
  • Rest of Asia Pacific

The Middle East & Africa

  • Saudi Arabia
  • UAE
  • Egypt
  • Kuwait
  • South Africa
  • Rest of the Middle East & Africa

Latin America

  • Brazil
  • Argentina
  • Rest of Latin America

Table of Contents

  • Chapter 1. Preface
    • 1.1 Report Description and Scope
    • 1.2 Research scope
    • 1.3 Research methodology
      • 1.3.1 Market Research Type
      • 1.3.2 Market research methodology
  • Chapter 2. Executive Summary
    • 2.1 Global Plant-Based Milk Market, (2024 – 2033) (USD Million)
    • 2.2 Global Plant-Based Milk Market : snapshot
  • Chapter 3. Global Plant-Based Milk Market – Industry Analysis
    • 3.1 Plant-Based Milk Market: Market Dynamics
    • 3.2 Market Drivers
      • 3.2.1 Health and Wellness Trends
      • 3.2.2 Environmental Sustainability Concerns
      • 3.2.3 Rising Vegan and Vegetarian Population
      • 3.2.4 Product Innovation and Diversification
      • 3.2.5 Global Market Expansion
      • 3.2.6 Partnerships and Collaborations.
    • 3.3 Market Restraints
    • 3.4 Market Opportunities
    • 3.5 Market Challenges
    • 3.6 Porter’s Five Forces Analysis
    • 3.7 Market Attractiveness Analysis
      • 3.7.1 Market attractiveness analysis By Type
      • 3.7.2 Market attractiveness analysis By Storage
      • 3.7.3 Market attractiveness analysis By Category
      • 3.7.4 Market attractiveness analysis By Formulation
      • 3.7.5 Market attractiveness analysis By Flavor
      • 3.7.6 Market attractiveness analysis By Packaging Size
      • 3.7.7 Market attractiveness analysis By Packaging Type
      • 3.7.8 Market attractiveness analysis By Distribution Channel
  • Chapter 4. Global Plant-Based Milk Market- Competitive Landscape
    • 4.1 Company market share analysis
      • 4.1.1 Global Plant-Based Milk Market: company market share, 2023
    • 4.2 Strategic development
      • 4.2.1 Acquisitions & mergers
      • 4.2.2 New Product launches
      • 4.2.3 Agreements, partnerships, cullaborations, and joint ventures
      • 4.2.4 Research and development and Regional expansion
    • 4.3 Price trend analysis
  • Chapter 5. Global Plant-Based Milk Market – Type Analysis
    • 5.1 Global Plant-Based Milk Market overview: By Type
      • 5.1.1 Global Plant-Based Milk Market share, By Type , 2023 and 2033
    • 5.2 Almond Milk
      • 5.2.1 Global Plant-Based Milk Market by Almond Milk, 2024 – 2033 (USD Million)
    • 5.3 Coconut Milk
      • 5.3.1 Global Plant-Based Milk Market by Coconut Milk, 2024 – 2033 (USD Million)
    • 5.4 Cashew Milk
      • 5.4.1 Global Plant-Based Milk Market by Cashew Milk, 2024 – 2033 (USD Million)
    • 5.5 Walnut Milk
      • 5.5.1 Global Plant-Based Milk Market by Walnut Milk, 2024 – 2033 (USD Million)
    • 5.6 Hazelnut Milk
      • 5.6.1 Global Plant-Based Milk Market by Hazelnut Milk, 2024 – 2033 (USD Million)
    • 5.7 Soy Milk
      • 5.7.1 Global Plant-Based Milk Market by Soy Milk, 2024 – 2033 (USD Million)
    • 5.8 Oat Milk
      • 5.8.1 Global Plant-Based Milk Market by Oat Milk, 2024 – 2033 (USD Million)
    • 5.9 Rice Milk
      • 5.9.1 Global Plant-Based Milk Market by Rice Milk, 2024 – 2033 (USD Million)
    • 5.10 Flax Milk
      • 5.10.1 Global Plant-Based Milk Market by Flax Milk, 2024 – 2033 (USD Million)
    • 5.11 Others
      • 5.11.1 Global Plant-Based Milk Market by Others, 2024 – 2033 (USD Million)
  • Chapter 6. Global Plant-Based Milk Market – Storage Analysis
    • 6.1 Global Plant-Based Milk Market overview: By Storage
      • 6.1.1 Global Plant-Based Milk Market share, By Storage , 2023 and 2033
    • 6.2 Refrigerated Milk
      • 6.2.1 Global Plant-Based Milk Market by Refrigerated Milk , 2024 – 2033 (USD Million)
    • 6.3 Shelf Stable Milk
      • 6.3.1 Global Plant-Based Milk Market by Shelf Stable Milk, 2024 – 2033 (USD Million)
  • Chapter 7. Global Plant-Based Milk Market – Category Analysis
    • 7.1 Global Plant-Based Milk Market overview: By Category
      • 7.1.1 Global Plant-Based Milk Market share, By Category, 2023 and 2033
    • 7.2 Organic
      • 7.2.1 Global Plant-Based Milk Market by Organic , 2024 – 2033 (USD Million)
    • 7.3 Conventional
      • 7.3.1 Global Plant-Based Milk Market by Conventional, 2024 – 2033 (USD Million)
  • Chapter 8. Global Plant-Based Milk Market – Formulation Analysis
    • 8.1 Global Plant-Based Milk Market overview: By Formulation
      • 8.1.1 Global Plant-Based Milk Market share, By Formulation , 2023 and 2033
    • 8.2 Sweetened
      • 8.2.1 Global Plant-Based Milk Market by Sweetened , 2024 – 2033 (USD Million)
    • 8.3 Unsweetened
      • 8.3.1 Global Plant-Based Milk Market by Unsweetened, 2024 – 2033 (USD Million)
  • Chapter 9. Global Plant-Based Milk Market – Flavor Analysis
    • 9.1 Global Plant-Based Milk Market overview: By Flavor
      • 9.1.1 Global Plant-Based Milk Market share, By Flavor, 2023 and 2033
    • 9.2 Original/Unflavored
      • 9.2.1 Global Plant-Based Milk Market by Original/Unflavored, 2024 – 2033 (USD Million)
    • 9.3 Vanilla
      • 9.3.1 Global Plant-Based Milk Market by Vanilla, 2024 – 2033 (USD Million)
    • 9.4 Chocolate
      • 9.4.1 Global Plant-Based Milk Market by Chocolate, 2024 – 2033 (USD Million)
    • 9.5 Honey
      • 9.5.1 Global Plant-Based Milk Market by Honey, 2024 – 2033 (USD Million)
    • 9.6 Coconut Blend
      • 9.6.1 Global Plant-Based Milk Market by Coconut Blend, 2024 – 2033 (USD Million)
    • 9.7 Hazelnut Blend
      • 9.7.1 Global Plant-Based Milk Market by Hazelnut Blend, 2024 – 2033 (USD Million)
    • 9.8 Caramel
      • 9.8.1 Global Plant-Based Milk Market by Caramel, 2024 – 2033 (USD Million)
    • 9.9 Maple
      • 9.9.1 Global Plant-Based Milk Market by Maple, 2024 – 2033 (USD Million)
    • 9.10 Coffee
      • 9.10.1 Global Plant-Based Milk Market by Coffee, 2024 – 2033 (USD Million)
    • 9.11 Others
      • 9.11.1 Global Plant-Based Milk Market by Others, 2024 – 2033 (USD Million)
  • Chapter 10. Global Plant-Based Milk Market – Packaging Size Analysis
    • 10.1 Global Plant-Based Milk Market overview: By Packaging Size
      • 10.1.1 Global Plant-Based Milk Market share, By Packaging Size , 2023 and 2033
    • 10.2 Less than 100 ml
      • 10.2.1 Global Plant-Based Milk Market by Less than 100 ml, 2024 – 2033 (USD Million)
    • 10.3 110 ml to 250 ml
      • 10.3.1 Global Plant-Based Milk Market by 110 ml to 250 ml, 2024 – 2033 (USD Million)
    • 10.4 500 ml to 1000 ml
      • 10.4.1 Global Plant-Based Milk Market by 500 ml to 1000 ml, 2024 – 2033 (USD Million)
    • 10.5 More than 1000 ml
      • 10.5.1 Global Plant-Based Milk Market by More than 1000 ml, 2024 – 2033 (USD Million)
  • Chapter 11. Global Plant-Based Milk Market – Packaging Type Analysis
    • 11.1 Global Plant-Based Milk Market overview: By Packaging Type
      • 11.1.1 Global Plant-Based Milk Market share, By Packaging Type, 2023 and 2033
    • 11.2 Tetra Packs
      • 11.2.1 Global Plant-Based Milk Market by Tetra Packs, 2024 – 2033 (USD Million)
    • 11.3 Bottles
      • 11.3.1 Global Plant-Based Milk Market by Bottles, 2024 – 2033 (USD Million)
    • 11.4 Can
      • 11.4.1 Global Plant-Based Milk Market by Can, 2024 – 2033 (USD Million)
  • Chapter 12. Global Plant-Based Milk Market – Distribution Channel Analysis
    • 12.1 Global Plant-Based Milk Market overview: By Distribution Channel
      • 12.1.1 Global Plant-Based Milk Market share, By Distribution Channel , 2023 and 2033
    • 12.2 Online
      • 12.2.1 Global Plant-Based Milk Market by Online , 2024 – 2033 (USD Million)
    • 12.3 Offline
      • 12.3.1 Global Plant-Based Milk Market by Offline, 2024 – 2033 (USD Million)
  • Chapter 13. Plant-Based Milk’s Market – Regional Analysis
    • 13.1 Global Plant-Based Milk’s Market Regional Overview
    • 13.2 Global Plant-Based Milk’s Market Share, by Region, 2023 & 2033 (USD Million)
    • 13.3. North America
      • 13.3.1 North America Plant-Based Milk’s Market, 2024 – 2033 (USD Million)
        • North America Plant-Based Milk’s Market, by Country, 2024 – 2033 (USD Million)
    • 13.4 North America Plant-Based Milk’s Market, by Type , 2024 – 2033
      • 13.4.1 North America Plant-Based Milk’s Market, by Type , 2024 – 2033 (USD Million)
    • 13.5 North America Plant-Based Milk’s Market, by Storage , 2024 – 2033
      • 13.5.1 North America Plant-Based Milk’s Market, by Storage , 2024 – 2033 (USD Million)
    • 13.6 North America Plant-Based Milk’s Market, by Category, 2024 – 2033
      • 13.6.1 North America Plant-Based Milk’s Market, by Category, 2024 – 2033 (USD Million)
    • 13.7 North America Plant-Based Milk’s Market, by Formulation , 2024 – 2033
      • 13.7.1 North America Plant-Based Milk’s Market, by Formulation , 2024 – 2033 (USD Million)
    • 13.8 North America Plant-Based Milk’s Market, by Flavor, 2024 – 2033
      • 13.8.1 North America Plant-Based Milk’s Market, by Flavor, 2024 – 2033 (USD Million)
    • 13.9 North America Plant-Based Milk’s Market, by Packaging Size , 2024 – 2033
      • 13.9.1 North America Plant-Based Milk’s Market, by Packaging Size , 2024 – 2033 (USD Million)
    • 13.10 North America Plant-Based Milk’s Market, by Packaging Type, 2024 – 2033
      • 13.10.1 North America Plant-Based Milk’s Market, by Packaging Type, 2024 – 2033 (USD Million)
    • 13.11 North America Plant-Based Milk’s Market, by Distribution Channel , 2024 – 2033
      • 13.11.1 North America Plant-Based Milk’s Market, by Distribution Channel , 2024 – 2033 (USD Million)
    • 13.12. Europe
      • 13.12.1 Europe Plant-Based Milk’s Market, 2024 – 2033 (USD Million)
        • Europe Plant-Based Milk’s Market, by Country, 2024 – 2033 (USD Million)
    • 13.13 Europe Plant-Based Milk’s Market, by Type , 2024 – 2033
      • 13.13.1 Europe Plant-Based Milk’s Market, by Type , 2024 – 2033 (USD Million)
    • 13.14 Europe Plant-Based Milk’s Market, by Storage , 2024 – 2033
      • 13.14.1 Europe Plant-Based Milk’s Market, by Storage , 2024 – 2033 (USD Million)
    • 13.15 Europe Plant-Based Milk’s Market, by Category, 2024 – 2033
      • 13.15.1 Europe Plant-Based Milk’s Market, by Category, 2024 – 2033 (USD Million)
    • 13.16 Europe Plant-Based Milk’s Market, by Formulation , 2024 – 2033
      • 13.16.1 Europe Plant-Based Milk’s Market, by Formulation , 2024 – 2033 (USD Million)
    • 13.17 Europe Plant-Based Milk’s Market, by Flavor, 2024 – 2033
      • 13.17.1 Europe Plant-Based Milk’s Market, by Flavor, 2024 – 2033 (USD Million)
    • 13.18 Europe Plant-Based Milk’s Market, by Packaging Size , 2024 – 2033
      • 13.18.1 Europe Plant-Based Milk’s Market, by Packaging Size , 2024 – 2033 (USD Million)
    • 13.19 Europe Plant-Based Milk’s Market, by Packaging Type, 2024 – 2033
      • 13.19.1 Europe Plant-Based Milk’s Market, by Packaging Type, 2024 – 2033 (USD Million)
    • 13.20 Europe Plant-Based Milk’s Market, by Distribution Channel , 2024 – 2033
      • 13.20.1 Europe Plant-Based Milk’s Market, by Distribution Channel , 2024 – 2033 (USD Million)
    • 13.21. Asia Pacific
      • 13.21.1 Asia Pacific Plant-Based Milk’s Market, 2024 – 2033 (USD Million)
        • Asia Pacific Plant-Based Milk’s Market, by Country, 2024 – 2033 (USD Million)
    • 13.22 Asia Pacific Plant-Based Milk’s Market, by Type , 2024 – 2033
      • 13.22.1 Asia Pacific Plant-Based Milk’s Market, by Type , 2024 – 2033 (USD Million)
    • 13.23 Asia Pacific Plant-Based Milk’s Market, by Storage , 2024 – 2033
      • 13.23.1 Asia Pacific Plant-Based Milk’s Market, by Storage , 2024 – 2033 (USD Million)
    • 13.24 Asia Pacific Plant-Based Milk’s Market, by Category, 2024 – 2033
      • 13.24.1 Asia Pacific Plant-Based Milk’s Market, by Category, 2024 – 2033 (USD Million)
    • 13.25 Asia Pacific Plant-Based Milk’s Market, by Formulation , 2024 – 2033
      • 13.25.1 Asia Pacific Plant-Based Milk’s Market, by Formulation , 2024 – 2033 (USD Million)
    • 13.26 Asia Pacific Plant-Based Milk’s Market, by Flavor, 2024 – 2033
      • 13.26.1 Asia Pacific Plant-Based Milk’s Market, by Flavor, 2024 – 2033 (USD Million)
    • 13.27 Asia Pacific Plant-Based Milk’s Market, by Packaging Size , 2024 – 2033
      • 13.27.1 Asia Pacific Plant-Based Milk’s Market, by Packaging Size , 2024 – 2033 (USD Million)
    • 13.28 Asia Pacific Plant-Based Milk’s Market, by Packaging Type, 2024 – 2033
      • 13.28.1 Asia Pacific Plant-Based Milk’s Market, by Packaging Type, 2024 – 2033 (USD Million)
    • 13.29 Asia Pacific Plant-Based Milk’s Market, by Distribution Channel , 2024 – 2033
      • 13.29.1 Asia Pacific Plant-Based Milk’s Market, by Distribution Channel , 2024 – 2033 (USD Million)
    • 13.30. Latin America
      • 13.30.1 Latin America Plant-Based Milk’s Market, 2024 – 2033 (USD Million)
        • Latin America Plant-Based Milk’s Market, by Country, 2024 – 2033 (USD Million)
    • 13.31 Latin America Plant-Based Milk’s Market, by Type , 2024 – 2033
      • 13.31.1 Latin America Plant-Based Milk’s Market, by Type , 2024 – 2033 (USD Million)
    • 13.32 Latin America Plant-Based Milk’s Market, by Storage , 2024 – 2033
      • 13.32.1 Latin America Plant-Based Milk’s Market, by Storage , 2024 – 2033 (USD Million)
    • 13.33 Latin America Plant-Based Milk’s Market, by Category, 2024 – 2033
      • 13.33.1 Latin America Plant-Based Milk’s Market, by Category, 2024 – 2033 (USD Million)
    • 13.34 Latin America Plant-Based Milk’s Market, by Formulation , 2024 – 2033
      • 13.34.1 Latin America Plant-Based Milk’s Market, by Formulation , 2024 – 2033 (USD Million)
    • 13.35 Latin America Plant-Based Milk’s Market, by Flavor, 2024 – 2033
      • 13.35.1 Latin America Plant-Based Milk’s Market, by Flavor, 2024 – 2033 (USD Million)
    • 13.36 Latin America Plant-Based Milk’s Market, by Packaging Size , 2024 – 2033
      • 13.36.1 Latin America Plant-Based Milk’s Market, by Packaging Size , 2024 – 2033 (USD Million)
    • 13.37 Latin America Plant-Based Milk’s Market, by Packaging Type, 2024 – 2033
      • 13.37.1 Latin America Plant-Based Milk’s Market, by Packaging Type, 2024 – 2033 (USD Million)
    • 13.38 Latin America Plant-Based Milk’s Market, by Distribution Channel , 2024 – 2033
      • 13.38.1 Latin America Plant-Based Milk’s Market, by Distribution Channel , 2024 – 2033 (USD Million)
    • 13.39. The Middle-East and Africa
      • 13.39.1 The Middle-East and Africa Plant-Based Milk’s Market, 2024 – 2033 (USD Million)
        • The Middle-East and Africa Plant-Based Milk’s Market, by Country, 2024 – 2033 (USD Million)
    • 13.40 The Middle-East and Africa Plant-Based Milk’s Market, by Type , 2024 – 2033
      • 13.40.1 The Middle-East and Africa Plant-Based Milk’s Market, by Type , 2024 – 2033 (USD Million)
    • 13.41 The Middle-East and Africa Plant-Based Milk’s Market, by Storage , 2024 – 2033
      • 13.41.1 The Middle-East and Africa Plant-Based Milk’s Market, by Storage , 2024 – 2033 (USD Million)
    • 13.42 The Middle-East and Africa Plant-Based Milk’s Market, by Category, 2024 – 2033
      • 13.42.1 The Middle-East and Africa Plant-Based Milk’s Market, by Category, 2024 – 2033 (USD Million)
    • 13.43 The Middle-East and Africa Plant-Based Milk’s Market, by Formulation , 2024 – 2033
      • 13.43.1 The Middle-East and Africa Plant-Based Milk’s Market, by Formulation , 2024 – 2033 (USD Million)
    • 13.44 The Middle-East and Africa Plant-Based Milk’s Market, by Flavor, 2024 – 2033
      • 13.44.1 The Middle-East and Africa Plant-Based Milk’s Market, by Flavor, 2024 – 2033 (USD Million)
    • 13.45 The Middle-East and Africa Plant-Based Milk’s Market, by Packaging Size , 2024 – 2033
      • 13.45.1 The Middle-East and Africa Plant-Based Milk’s Market, by Packaging Size , 2024 – 2033 (USD Million)
    • 13.46 The Middle-East and Africa Plant-Based Milk’s Market, by Packaging Type, 2024 – 2033
      • 13.46.1 The Middle-East and Africa Plant-Based Milk’s Market, by Packaging Type, 2024 – 2033 (USD Million)
    • 13.47 The Middle-East and Africa Plant-Based Milk’s Market, by Distribution Channel , 2024 – 2033
      • 13.47.1 The Middle-East and Africa Plant-Based Milk’s Market, by Distribution Channel , 2024 – 2033 (USD Million)
  • Chapter 14. Company Profiles
    • 14.1 Silk (Danone North America)
      • 14.1.1 Overview
      • 14.1.2 Financials
      • 14.1.3 Product Portfolio
      • 14.1.4 Business Strategy
      • 14.1.5 Recent Developments
    • 14.2 Alpro (Danone)
      • 14.2.1 Overview
      • 14.2.2 Financials
      • 14.2.3 Product Portfolio
      • 14.2.4 Business Strategy
      • 14.2.5 Recent Developments
    • 14.3 Califia Farms
      • 14.3.1 Overview
      • 14.3.2 Financials
      • 14.3.3 Product Portfolio
      • 14.3.4 Business Strategy
      • 14.3.5 Recent Developments
    • 14.4 Oatly
      • 14.4.1 Overview
      • 14.4.2 Financials
      • 14.4.3 Product Portfolio
      • 14.4.4 Business Strategy
      • 14.4.5 Recent Developments
    • 14.5 Ripple Foods
      • 14.5.1 Overview
      • 14.5.2 Financials
      • 14.5.3 Product Portfolio
      • 14.5.4 Business Strategy
      • 14.5.5 Recent Developments
    • 14.6 So Delicious Dairy Free (Danone North America)
      • 14.6.1 Overview
      • 14.6.2 Financials
      • 14.6.3 Product Portfolio
      • 14.6.4 Business Strategy
      • 14.6.5 Recent Developments
    • 14.7 Elmhurst 1925
      • 14.7.1 Overview
      • 14.7.2 Financials
      • 14.7.3 Product Portfolio
      • 14.7.4 Business Strategy
      • 14.7.5 Recent Developments
    • 14.8 Good Karma Foods
      • 14.8.1 Overview
      • 14.8.2 Financials
      • 14.8.3 Product Portfolio
      • 14.8.4 Business Strategy
      • 14.8.5 Recent Developments
    • 14.9 Forager Project
      • 14.9.1 Overview
      • 14.9.2 Financials
      • 14.9.3 Product Portfolio
      • 14.9.4 Business Strategy
      • 14.9.5 Recent Developments
    • 14.10 Malk Organics
      • 14.10.1 Overview
      • 14.10.2 Financials
      • 14.10.3 Product Portfolio
      • 14.10.4 Business Strategy
      • 14.10.5 Recent Developments
    • 14.11 Planet Oat (HP Hood)
      • 14.11.1 Overview
      • 14.11.2 Financials
      • 14.11.3 Product Portfolio
      • 14.11.4 Business Strategy
      • 14.11.5 Recent Developments
    • 14.12 Mooala
      • 14.12.1 Overview
      • 14.12.2 Financials
      • 14.12.3 Product Portfolio
      • 14.12.4 Business Strategy
      • 14.12.5 Recent Developments
    • 14.13 Joyya (Agropur)
      • 14.13.1 Overview
      • 14.13.2 Financials
      • 14.13.3 Product Portfolio
      • 14.13.4 Business Strategy
      • 14.13.5 Recent Developments
    • 14.14 Dream (Hain Celestial)
      • 14.14.1 Overview
      • 14.14.2 Financials
      • 14.14.3 Product Portfolio
      • 14.14.4 Business Strategy
      • 14.14.5 Recent Developments
    • 14.15 Plenish Dairy Ltd.
      • 14.15.1 Overview
      • 14.15.2 Financials
      • 14.15.3 Product Portfolio
      • 14.15.4 Business Strategy
      • 14.15.5 Recent Developments
    • 14.16 Others.
      • 14.16.1 Overview
      • 14.16.2 Financials
      • 14.16.3 Product Portfolio
      • 14.16.4 Business Strategy
      • 14.16.5 Recent Developments
List Of Figures

Figures No 1 to 61

List Of Tables

Tables No 1 to 202

Report Methodology

In order to get the most precise estimates and forecasts possible, Custom Market Insights applies a detailed and adaptive research methodology centered on reducing deviations. For segregating and assessing quantitative aspects of the market, the company uses a combination of top-down and bottom-up approaches. Furthermore, data triangulation, which examines the market from three different aspects, is a recurring theme in all of our research reports. The following are critical components of the methodology used in all of our studies:

Preliminary Data Mining

On a broad scale, raw market information is retrieved and compiled. Data is constantly screened to make sure that only substantiated and verified sources are taken into account. Furthermore, data is mined from a plethora of reports in our archive and also a number of reputed & reliable paid databases. To gain a detailed understanding of the business, it is necessary to know the entire product life cycle and to facilitate this, we gather data from different suppliers, distributors, and buyers.

Surveys, technological conferences, and trade magazines are used to identify technical issues and trends. Technical data is also gathered from the standpoint of intellectual property, with a focus on freedom of movement and white space. The dynamics of the industry in terms of drivers, restraints, and valuation trends are also gathered. As a result, the content created contains a diverse range of original data, which is then cross-validated and verified with published sources.

Statistical Model

Simulation models are used to generate our business estimates and forecasts. For each study, a one-of-a-kind model is created. Data gathered for market dynamics, the digital landscape, development services, and valuation patterns are fed into the prototype and analyzed concurrently. These factors are compared, and their effect over the projected timeline is quantified using correlation, regression, and statistical modeling. Market forecasting is accomplished through the use of a combination of economic techniques, technical analysis, industry experience, and domain knowledge.

Short-term forecasting is typically done with econometric models, while long-term forecasting is done with technological market models. These are based on a synthesis of the technological environment, legal frameworks, economic outlook, and business regulations. Bottom-up market evaluation is favored, with crucial regional markets reviewed as distinct entities and data integration to acquire worldwide estimates. This is essential for gaining a thorough knowledge of the industry and ensuring that errors are kept to a minimum.

Some of the variables taken into account for forecasting are as follows:

• Industry drivers and constraints, as well as their current and projected impact

• The raw material case, as well as supply-versus-price trends

• Current volume and projected volume growth through 2030

We allocate weights to these variables and use weighted average analysis to determine the estimated market growth rate.

Primary Validation

This is the final step in our report’s estimating and forecasting process. Extensive primary interviews are carried out, both in-person and over the phone, to validate our findings and the assumptions that led to them.
Leading companies from across the supply chain, including suppliers, technology companies, subject matter experts, and buyers, use techniques like interviewing to ensure a comprehensive and non-biased overview of the business. These interviews are conducted all over the world, with the help of local staff and translators, to overcome language barriers.

Primary interviews not only aid with data validation, but also offer additional important insight into the industry, existing business scenario, and future projections, thereby improving the quality of our reports.

All of our estimates and forecasts are validated through extensive research work with key industry participants (KIPs), which typically include:

• Market leaders

• Suppliers of raw materials

• Suppliers of raw materials

• Buyers.

The following are the primary research objectives:

• To ensure the accuracy and acceptability of our data.

• Gaining an understanding of the current market and future projections.

Data Collection Matrix

Perspective Primary research Secondary research
  • Manufacturers
  • Technology distributors and wholesalers
  • Company reports and publications
  • Government publications
  • Independent investigations
  • Economic and demographic data
  • End-user surveys
  • Consumer surveys
  • Mystery shopping
  • Case studies
  • Reference customers

Market Analysis Matrix

Qualitative analysis Quantitative analysis
  • Industry landscape and trends
  • Market dynamics and key issues
  • Technology landscape
  • Market opportunities
  • Porter’s analysis and PESTEL analysis
  • Competitive landscape and component benchmarking
  • Policy and regulatory scenario
  • Market revenue estimates and forecast up to 2030
  • Market revenue estimates and forecasts up to 2030, by technology
  • Market revenue estimates and forecasts up to 2030, by application
  • Market revenue estimates and forecasts up to 2030, by type
  • Market revenue estimates and forecasts up to 2030, by component
  • Regional market revenue forecasts, by technology
  • Regional market revenue forecasts, by application
  • Regional market revenue forecasts, by type
  • Regional market revenue forecasts, by component

Prominent Player

  • Silk (Danone North America)
  • Alpro (Danone)
  • Califia Farms
  • Oatly
  • Ripple Foods
  • So Delicious Dairy Free (Danone North America)
  • Elmhurst 1925
  • Good Karma Foods
  • Forager Project
  • Malk Organics
  • Planet Oat (HP Hood)
  • Mooala
  • Joyya (Agropur)
  • Dream (Hain Celestial)
  • Plenish Dairy Ltd.
  • Others


The key factors driving the Market are Health and Wellness Trends, Environmental Sustainability Concerns, Rising Vegan and Vegetarian Population, Product Innovation and Diversification, Global Market Expansion, Partnerships and Collaborations.

The “Almond Milk” category dominated the market in 2023.

The key players in the market are Silk (Danone North America), Alpro (Danone), Califia Farms, Oatly, Ripple Foods, So Delicious Dairy Free (Danone North America), Elmhurst 1925, Good Karma Foods, Forager Project, Malk Organics, Planet Oat (HP Hood), Mooala, Joyya (Agropur), Dream (Hain Celestial), Plenish Dairy Ltd., Others.

“North America” had the largest share in the Plant-Based Milk Market.

The global market is projected to grow at a CAGR of 10.6% during the forecast period, 2024-2033.

The Plant-Based Milk Market size was valued at USD 31,128.5 Million in 2024.












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